GIB Roc Tape – 75m

$13.15 + GST
$15.12 (incl. GST)
GIB RocTape® is a matt fibreglass tape that uses random fibre placement to achieve superior mechanical strength for flat joint applications. GIB® jointing compounds can permeate through the GIB RocTape® matt, creating a very strong joint through reinforcing the GIB® jointing compound. This means less cracking and cosmetic defects, resulting in fewer call backs, saving time and money. A matt fibreglass joint tape (nonwoven) is very different in performance to the (woven) square mesh fibreglass joint tape.  Some square mesh fibreglass tapes are pre-glued.  The woven square mesh fibreglass joint tape is not recommended for reinforcing plasterboard joints by Winstone Wallboards and AS/NZS 2589-2017. GIB RocTape® is suitable for flat plasterboard joints.  For corner joints use GIB® Levelline®, GIB® Goldline™, GIB® UltraFlex®, or GIB® Paper joint tape.  

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